Spring 2009

COURSE: SHS Physical Science I (1 credit)


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a comprehensive study of physical science that includes basic science and laboratory skills, matter, chemistry, solutions, motion, forces, energy, waves, and simple machines.


INSTRUCTOR:  Andy Harshman, SHS Room 731, e-mail, or phone 955-0181 Ext 64581 during my planning period, 7:30-8:57 AM.


OBJECTIVES: When a student completes this course, he/she should be able to successfully matriculate into a beginning level biology, chemistry, or physics high school course.


OPEN LAB HOURS:  2:15 - 3:30 PM Tuesdays and most Wednesdays barring conflicts.  Other times by appointment.


TEXTBOOKS: Physical Science with Earth Science by Glencoe Science, 2006


OTHER MATERIALS: Calculator with scientific functions.

            Loose-leaf binder with dividers, clear sheet protectors, loose-leaf paper, graph paper, straight edge (ruler), black and red ball point pens.


LAB FEE:  $7.00 to partially cover consumable lab supplies. Save your receipt to receive credit against accidental breakage.


GRADING:       TESTS and QUIZZES - 40%


EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - 20%. Based on 100 points per quarter. Loss of 2 points for each unexcused absence, 1 point for tardy to class, 1 point for turning in an assignment late, 2 points for each assignment not turned in, 1-2 points for not preparing for lab including report sheet setup and safety equipment (glasses, shoes, etc.), varying points for misbehavior.

NOTEBOOK - 5%. - Each student shall keep a 1.5-inch three-ring binder for their notebook.  Notebooks will be turned in at the end of each quarter.  The guidelines for the notebook are as follows:


·          Everything in the notebook must be in the three-rings.  Anything loose or in front or back pockets will not be graded and may be thrown away by Mr. Harshman.

·          The notebook must include a Table of Contents (TOC).  The TOC will be given by Mr. Harshman to each student before notebook is due.  If it is not included, the student will receive a grade of 0 for the notebook.

·          The notebook must include 5 tabs labeled:

o         Handouts

§          Includes all non-graded informational handouts given by Mr. Harshman. (i.e. this Syllabus).

o         Bellwork

§          Includes a running log of all completed bellwork.  If you have an excused absence, please mark “Excused” in place of bellwork, and Mr. Harshman will verify during notebook checks.

o         Homework

§          Includes all stamped or graded classwork or homework.

o         Tests, Quizzes, and Extra Credit

§          Includes all graded tests, quizzes, and record of extra credit.

o         Notes/Foldables

§          Includes any notes the student wishes to include.  The tab for this section must be in place.  While inclusion of notes and is not required, there may be occasions where Mr. Harshman will let students who have kept the items in their notebook use them on quizzes.  All foldables made in class must be kept and accounted for in this sections. 



BONUS GRADES - averaged in with other grades

Book reports: Oral synopsis of approved book. Up to 100 points. Limit one per quarter.

Record of bonus grades is to be kept by student on appropriate form in notebook to be averaged with other grades at end of term.

Laboratory Assisting: Help set up or dismantle lab materials and equipment

Paper – 3 Reams of paper donated by students may be turned in for a total of 5 points added to a test grade.  This may only be done 1 time in the semester,


Grading scale:    A    90-100      B    80-89      C    70-79      D    60-69      F    0-59


                QUARTER 1: 40%                  QUARTER 2: 40%                  MIDTERM: 10%                      FINAL EXAM: 10%


ATTENDANCE and MAKEUP WORK: Mandatory. Be in class every day it is physically possible unless you will spread a communicable disease. SHS requires any absences to be excused. Bring a note in your planner the day you return or serve a detention. Makeup work for labs and quizzes must be made up eighth period of the Tuesday or Thursday that you return and only for UNAVOIDABLE absences verified by parents.  Doctor and dentist appointments are NOT unavoidable - make them after school hours. Makeup tests must be taken eighth period the first Tuesday or Thursday after an absence or a zero will be recorded


WITHDRAWAL: Only if academically misplaced.


CHEATING and PLAGIARISM: In accordance with due process, first offense F for quarter and 3 days suspension, second offense - zero for course and 3-10 days suspension.  I encourage (demand) studying and working together on labs and homework but blatant copying is cheating.  Tests and quizzes are to be your own effort.


SCHEDULE: Calendar for four to six weeks will be distributed as needed.



We will follow the rules set out by the Student Handbook.

1.        *Be prompt

2.        *Be prepared

3.        *Be respectful (to self, others, and property)

*Employability deduction and possible parent contact


GENERAL CLASSROOM RULES:                                                                                                                        

1.        Remain in you seat until the bell rings

2.        Please use appropriate language

3.        Keep all electronic devices put away…they are not supposed to be on campus



When a student is keeping the teacher from teaching or other from learning, the teacher will give a redirection.  If it is not accepted, the student will earn the following:


1.        Warning – rethink behavior

2.        Brief 1:1 conference with teacher

3.        Move to “Seat of Opportunity

4.        Move to alternative room (or detention) + parent contact

5.        Referral to administration or guidance

Severe misbehaviors may go directly to higher steps. 


SAFETY: Safety is of the utmost importance. You and your parent will be required to sign a safety contract prior to participating in lab activities. You can find a copy of that contract at Study it carefully.


LAB TEAMS: You will be assigned to a team.  Teams change each quarter.  I attempt to not have the same partner(s) together for more than one quarter. You and your partners will share a lab drawer and will be financially responsible for any contents broken or lost.


DUE DATES: Unless otherwise announced, lab reports are due two days after the experiment is finished. You are expected to have a rough draft of the lab written up the day following the lab activity, and come to consensus with your partners. Then turn in the finished product the next day. I will randomly select one of the four papers to grade.

 Homework assignments are due on the date they appear on the assignment sheet. You will grade your own homework. Reporting an unearned grade is cheating. See policy above concerning cheating.

If you have an EXCUSED absence, makeup is to be done on the day of your return or the first day the lab is open after school following your return.  All late papers are assessed 5% per day, three day maximum. Thereafter the paper will not be accepted.



COURSE WEBSITE:  Information used in class including, but not limited to, labs, calendars, and announcements may be found on the course website at  Password to open all documents is “Einstein.” (with a capital “E”)


SmartWeb Login Information:

Parents may access their student’s grade at anytime using the online Smartweb system.  This system is used so that parents and students know their progress in the course at all times.  Grades are updated often.  You will need to obtain your login information from administration.  The web address is: